About Us

Mangalmurti Saishanik VA Samajik Sanstha Ambarnath is a beacon of hope and change, dedicated to uplifting the underprivileged and marginalized sections of society. Founded on the principles of compassion, integrity, and social justice, our NGO strives to create a brighter tomorrow for all. Through a range of initiatives and programs, we aim to address pressing social issues, empower individuals, and foster sustainable development.

Our Mission :

At Mangalmurti Saishanik VA Samajik Sanstha Ambarnath, our mission is clear : to catalyze positive transformation within communities, promoting equality, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for all. We envision a world where every individual has the chance to thrive, irrespective of their background or circumstances.
Education : We believe education is the cornerstone of progress. Our trust is committed to providing quality education to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring they have the tools and opportunities to realize their full potential.

Healthcare : Access to healthcare is a fundamental right. Mangalmurti Saishanik VA Samajik Sanstha Ambarnath runs health camps, awareness programs, and provides medical assistance to those in need, striving to improve healthcare outcomes and promote well-being.

Livelihood Enhancement : Economic empowerment is essential for sustainable development. Through skill development initiatives, vocational training, and entrepreneurship programs, we enable individuals to enhance their livelihoods and break the cycle of poverty.

Women Empowerment : We are dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls. Our trust works towards providing education, vocational training, and support services to women, fostering their socio-economic empowerment and leadership.

Environmental Conservation : Protecting the environment is crucial for the well-being of future generations. Mangalmurti Saishanik VA Samajik Sanstha Ambarnath undertakes tree plantation drives, waste management initiatives, and environmental awareness campaigns, promoting sustainable living practices and conservation efforts.

Impact : Over the years, Mangalmurti Saishanik VA Samajik Sanstha Ambarnath has made a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals and communities. Through our collective efforts, we have: Enrolled hundreds of children in schools and provided them with access to quality education. Conducted numerous health camps, reaching thousands of individuals and providing essential medical services. Empowered women through skill development programs, enabling them to become financially independent and assert their rights. Created sustainable livelihood opportunities for marginalized groups, improving their socio-economic status and fostering community resilience. Contributed to environmental conservation efforts, planting trees, reducing carbon footprint, and raising awareness about environmental issues.

Get Involved :

Join us in our mission to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Whether through volunteering, donations, or spreading awareness, your support can make a real difference in the lives of those in need. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.

Conclusion :

Mangalmurti Saishanik VA Samajik Sanstha Ambarnath stands as a testament to the power of compassion and collective action. Guided by our values and driven by our mission, we remain committed to serving humanity and transforming lives. Join us on this journey towards a more just, compassionate, and sustainable world.

About Us :

Mangalmurti Saishanik VA Samajik Sanstha Ambarnath is committed to fostering positive change and holistic development in society. With a foundation built on compassion and dedication, we strive to uplift communities and individuals in need.

Our Team :

Our team comprises passionate individuals who bring diverse skills and experiences to our mission. Together, we work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of others.

Volunteer :

Join us in our efforts to create a better world. Become a volunteer and contribute your time and talents to meaningful projects that impact lives and inspire change.

Programs / Our Works :

Education Support : Empowering individuals through access to quality education and educational resources.

Tribal Development Program : Partnering with tribal communities to promote sustainable development and preserve cultural heritage.

Orphanage Support : Providing love, care, and opportunities for orphaned children to thrive and succeed.

Village Improvement Program : Enhancing the infrastructure and livelihoods of rural villages for sustainable growth.

Disaster Management : Mobilizing resources and support to respond effectively to disasters and emergencies.

Our Works :

Education : Advocating for education as a fundamental right and pathway to empowerment.

Environment : Promoting environmental conservation and sustainability through awareness and action.

Health Care : Ensuring access to quality healthcare services for all, regardless of background or circumstance.

Mental Health : Destigmatizing mental health issues and providing support and resources for mental well-being.

Yoga & Meditation : Cultivating inner peace and holistic well-being through ancient practices.

Social Works :

Tree Plantation : Contributing to the preservation and restoration of our natural environment through tree planting initiatives.

Public Welfare : Addressing societal needs and advocating for the welfare of all members of society.

Mental Health Support : Offering counseling and support services to individuals facing mental health challenges.

Counseling : Providing guidance and support to individuals and families in times of need.

Child Welfare Support : Protecting and promoting the rights and well-being of children.

Skill Development : Empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life.

Get Involved :

Join Us : Be a part of our mission and contribute your time and talents to create positive change.

Become Partner : Partner with us to amplify our impact and reach in the communities we serve.

Get Fellowships : Explore fellowship opportunities to further your personal and professional growth while making a difference.

Become Volunteers : Join our dedicated team of volunteers and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.